Our chicken is raised lovingly at the family run Ferme des Voltigeurs and is a high quality, free-range local vegetable grain fed bird. In addition, we have implemented an ecochef system that boast 40-60% less grease absorption in our fried foods.

Bottomless Mimosas Every Weekend
Join us for a brunch experience like no other, where the drinks flow freely and the good times never end. Gather your floack and join us for a weekend celebration to remember!

$1 Chicken Wings
Introducing Wing Wednesdays at Le Bird Bar! Treat yourself to mouthwatering $1 Chicken Wings every Wednesday. With a variety of flavors to choose from and an unbeatable price, it’s the perfect midweek treat for wing lovers. And yes, we have mock-chicken as well!
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Bottomless Mimosas Every Weekend
Join us for a brunch experience like no other, where the drinks flow freely and the good times never end. Gather your flock and join us for a weekend celebration to remember!
$1 Chicken Wings
Introducing Wing Wednesdays at Le Bird Bar! Treat yourself to mouthwatering $1 Chicken Wings every Wednesday. With a variety of flavors to choose from and an unbeatable price, it’s the perfect midweek treat for wing lovers. And yes, we have mock-chicken as well!
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Event With
Élevez votre prochain événement au Bird Bar ! Qu’il s’agisse d’une fête d’anniversaire, d’une réunion d’entreprise ou d’une célébration spéciale, notre lieu élégant offre la toile de fond idéale pour des moments inoubliables. Avec des forfaits personnalisables, de délicieuses options de restauration et des vues à couper le souffle, laissez-nous transformer votre vision en réalité.